Nov 7, 2023

CÚRAM awarded over €3.5m funding to create 25 doctoral research positions

CÚRAM received 3.36m in co-funding from the European Union to launch MedDevDoc, an enhanced innovative Marie-Curie Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Doctoral training programme. The vision of MedDevDoc is to create 25 doctoral fellowship opportunities to develop future leaders in medical device research.

CÚRAM, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Medical Devices, is recruiting for 25 new doctoral positions in the coming months. A national centre, CÚRAM, is hosted by the University of Galway, with academic partners at nine HEIs across Ireland. The research positions will be based across partner institutions.

The MedDevDoc programme lasts 60 months with fellowships based on individual-driven mobility: Fellows can freely choose their research area (within CÚRAM’s remit), supervisor and secondment organisation. Fellowships will be open to candidates of any nationality who have not resided in or carried out their main work, studies, etc., in Ireland for more than 6 months in the 4 years prior to the MedDevDoc recruitment deadline.

Professor Abhay Pandit said: “CÚRAM is perfectly positioned to coordinate MedDevDoc given its innovative strengths, active industry collaborations, and its missions to continue to train and empower the next generation of researchers who can engage with the public and stakeholders to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and CÚRAM outputs. The 25 postdoctoral researchers will join our large team of multidisciplinary researchers working at the cutting edge of medical devices.”

MedDevDoc will combine the expertise across CÚRAM’s academic network to host and train fellows across Ireland and existing partnerships with Irish companies and multinationals in the medical device, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology sectors. These non-academic secondment visits will provide the training ground for designing and manufacturing next-generation devices and implants, some of which can be developed with strong clinical collaborations to enable rapid translation to clinics.

MedDevDoc aims to strengthen the excellence of Ireland’s and Europe’s global leadership in medical device research innovation with the goal of enriching partnerships with participating organisations in research and innovation to bring economic benefits to local, regional and/or national ecosystems.

For more details and to apply, visit

MedDevDoc is cofounded by the European Union’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and CÚRAM, Grant Agreement Number 101126640 (Dec 2023 to Nov 2028). Call identifier: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-COFUND-01-01.

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