Video Overview
Developing Biodegradable Coatings
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This animation was made by Earthbound Films for the Science on Screen programme, which is a partnership project run by CÚRAM (the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices at University of Galway) & Ardán. The animation is based on a research project by Prof Tofail Syed, Associate Professor & Head of Physics Department, University of Limerick. The project outlines how researchers at CÚRAM are developing electrically active coatings that will prevent bacteria from colonising stents which are inserted when the path between a person’s kidneys and their bladder becomes restricted. The coating will make it difficult for bacteria to stick to the surface of the stent and to degrade over time so they cannot form a strong foothold, delaying colonisation. This will lead to patients suffering much less pain when removing stents and fewer procedures due to stents lasting longer.
The animations are the product of a new strand of CÚRAM and Ardan’s Science on Screen scheme which were launched in 2022 in association with the National Talent Academy Animation (NTAA).