


Neural crest cells are a transient group of embryonic cells that migrate extensively, giving rise not only to most of the peripheral nervous system but also to cells of the adrenal gland, smooth muscle cells of the cardiovascular system, pigment cells in the skin, and craniofacial bones, cartilage, and connective tissue. Neurocristopathies (NCP) result from abnormalities in neural crest cells, and cancers such as melanoma and neuroblastoma are linked to them. However, it is difficult to trace pathologies to specific mutations in these cells. NEUcrest is harnessing the power of early stage researchers to tease out the complex aspects of neural cell and tumour formation, and more generally, the regulation of neural cell tissue in human health


Institut Curie (Coordinator) King's College London, University of East Anglia, NUI Galway, Universidad Miguel Hernandez De Elche, Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam, Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Tel Aviv University, Stemcell Technologies UK LTD, Azelead, Imagine Institut des Maladies Genetiques Necker Enfants Malades Fondation

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