Maria J Vicent

Maria Vicent

Scientific and Industry Advisory Boards

Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Spain

Professor MJ Vicent is Professor of Polymer Therapeutics at Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Spain

Professor MJ Vicent received her PhD in 2001 in chemistry on solid supports from Univ. Jaume I after several scientific stays in Prof. Fréchet’s lab. Univ. California, Berkeley (USA). Then, she moved to more biomedical oriented research, initially with Instituto Biomar, and then at the Centre for Polymer Therapeutics with Prof. Duncan after the award of a Marie Curie Postdoc fellowship in 2002. In 2004, María joined Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF) as research associate through a Marie Curie Reintegration contract and was promoted to head of Polymer Therapeutics Lab in 2006. Currently, she is also responsible for the Screening Platform, a Specialist site in the ERIC EU-OpenScreen and coordinates the Advanced Therapies Program at CIPF. Her research group focused on the development of novel nanopharmaceuticals for different therapeutic and diagnostic applications, in particular Polymer Therapeutics for unmet clinical needs and has been funded by national (i.e. Fund La Caixa-NanoPanTher) and European grants (ERC Consolidator grant-MyNano and ERCPoC-Polyimmune) from academia and industry. María received several prizes including Idea awards or Concepció Aleixandre award to Women in Science. She co-authored around 135 peer reviewed publications and 11 patents, 4 of them licensed to the pharmaceutical industry and one used as foundation of the spin off ‘Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions SL in 2012.

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