Photo Martina Regan.

Scott Hollister

Scientific and Industry Advisory Boards

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Scott Hollister is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Prof. Hollister and his collaborators have designed and developed a variety of medical devices utilizing 3D printing, an area in which he has worked for 18 years, publishing his first paper in 1997. His general research focuses on the design, fabrication and evaluation of biomaterial platform systems for tissue reconstruction. He is a fellow of the American Institute of Biological Engineering. His work on a bioresorbable tracheal splint, alongside with Dr Glenn Green, was given a Popular Mechanics 2013 Breakthrough Innovation Award. The implantation of this 3D printed device to save the lives of two children has been featured on the Today Show, USA Today, NPR, Time magazine, Nature, Science, and Popular Mechanics among other media.

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