Science on Screen

Nature Inspired Adhesion Films

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Nature-Inspired Adhesion

Produced by –

Mighty Grey Studio

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Mary Deely, University of Galway
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This animation was made by Mighty Grays Studio for the Science on Screen programme, which is a partnership project run by CÚRAM (the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices at University of Galway) & Ardán. The animation is based on a research project by Prof Andreas Heise and Prof Gerard Wall. The project outlines how researchers at CÚRAM are working to design a new hydrogel that can mimic the mucous layer which protects the colon in a healthy individual. The formulation consists of a hydrogel, containing particles which are loaded with anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug loaded particles are designed to travel directly to the inflamed regions of the colon, which facilitates the restoration of the mucosal layer to a state of health, thereby eliminating inflammation and enhancing overall quality of life for people living with IBD.

The animations are the product of a new strand of CÚRAM and Ardan’s Science on Screen scheme which were launched in 2022 in association with the National Talent Academy Animation (NTAA).

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