Fellowship Overview
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MedDevDoc stands as the successor to the esteemed Industry-Academia Training, Career Development, and Mobility Studentship Programme at CÚRAM, Research of Ireland Centre for Research in Medical Devices, following the legacy of MedDevDoc 101126640 (Dec 2023 to Nov 2028).
We aim to equip biomedical doctoral candidates with multidisciplinary, intersectoral, and transferable skills for spearheading next-generation medical device development.
unparalleled opportunities
Marie Skłodowksa-Curie initiative
As part of the prestigious Marie Skłodowksa-Curie Actions (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-COFUND-01), an initiative under Horizon Europe by the European Commission, the MedDevDoc program offers unparalleled opportunities for research training, career development, and knowledge exchange across borders and sectors.
Medical Device Doctoral
The Medical Device Doctoral (MedDevDoc) program aims to bridge the gap between academic MedTech research and clinical application. It trains doctoral students to become the next generation of innovators in medical device development, guiding them from early research stages to market launch.
The MedDevDoc program is dedicated to fostering equal opportunities by focusing on:
Researchers with disabilities, gender equality in research and innovation, career re-entry and researchers facing risk. The MedDevDoc research program adheres to two fundamental principles of Innovative Doctoral Training in the EU: Research Excellence and a Supportive Institutional Environment.